The medical term for penis enhancement or enlargements is known as Phalloplasty and is a commonly performed surgery by many cosmetic surgeons. There can be many different ways to perform this procedure but in essence there are only 2 parts to this kind of surgery: the lengthening of the penis aspect and in addition increasing the girth or widening the organ.
Phalloplasty – Penile lengthening surgery
The lengthening part of the surgery is performed by dividing the suspensory ligament of the penis. This can be achieved leaving a 4 to 5cm scar which is about 3cms above the proximal penile crease. Then the areas of ligament which are attached are then divided all the way over the symphysis pubis.
There is a need to stop this from reattaching, which can be achieved by using two distally based fat flaps (which means that the fat is always alive) which are put into this area. For this reason, to ensure that the ligament doesn’t reattach and that the proximal penile shaft is pushed a little out from the body, drains are not left in this area.